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Apr 13, 2023

10 World Trade Claims SmartScore Platinum Pre-Certification

10 World Trade has officially claimed SmartScore Platinum pre-certification. Offered by WiredScore, SmartScore is the real estate industry's leading smart building certification for properties that demonstrate a commitment to leveraging cutting-edge technologies and management practices to optimize building performance and deliver an exceptional user experience. The digital infrastructure in a SmartScore certified building has the flexibility and capacity to adapt to new technologies, helping avoid the risk of obsolescence. Once full Platinum certification is achieved, 10 World Trade will be one of just 69 buildings in the world awarded the designation to date.

SmartScore-certified buildings are ranked on the comprehensive strength of technological design and their ability to deliver optimal spaces for occupants to collaborate, innovate, and communicate efficiently. 10 World Trade’s digital infrastructure, with View Smart Windows, destination dispatch elevators, and an integrated DAS system, was built to exceed today’s ever-changing technological demands.   

“Many of today’s buildings are too inefficient, with lighting, heating, cooling, tech, and many other necessities often operating independently at the expense of cost-effectiveness and ultimately the workplace experience,” says Molly Heath, Senior Managing Director at JLL, who is representing the leasing efforts of ownership at 10 World Trade. “That’s why more business leaders are seeking and planning to invest in smart buildings. On top of that, employees want to be part of organizations that are committed to innovation and sustainability, and organizations that embrace smart buildings are better positioned to meet those goals. It’s an excellent way for business leaders to reinforce to their employees that they share common values."

As the future of work continues to evolve, so are employees’ needs and priorities. Buildings are no longer places where people are forced to come to work every day – the new office must be a magnet for talent and a keeper of culture. 10 World Trade exemplifies the benefits of investing in smart building systems and an interconnected, enabled workplace. From intelligent windows at the edge to water and air quality sensors at the core, whether using your phone to book a fitness class upstairs or call an elevator to the lobby, the possibilities for interconnectivity are endless.

Smart buildings are the future, and for Boston’s most forward-thinking tenants the future has already arrived.



To learn more about SmartScore Certification click >> here. 


To learn more about the 10 World Trade project click >> here. 


Leasing Contact: Molly Heath, Senior Managing Director, JLL – molly.heath@jll.com    


General Inquiries: John Hynes IV, Project Executive, Boston Global Investors - jhynes4@bginvestors.com